by Jack taylor | Jan 30, 2018 | Anger, Depression, Encouragement, Hope, Inspiration
I still can’t find the verse. You know, the one that says believers will be bubble-wrapped and protected from having a hard time in this world. I did find what Jesus said in his sermon on the mount: “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely...
by Jack taylor | Jan 29, 2018 | Faith, Inspiration, News
One of the passions of youth – when they surface from their phones or tablets – is that they want to put their energy into something world changing, meaningful, significant, bigger than they are. Actually, most of us are familiar with that feeling. Missionsfest 2018...
by Jack taylor | Jan 26, 2018 | Church, Faith, Hospitality
Do you remember the first few people who welcomed you at Faith? How about at your first work place or your school? Sometimes that welcome has a lasting impact on us. There is nothing like feeling welcomed. When I enter someone else’s place it makes all the difference...
by Jack taylor | Jan 25, 2018 | Faith, Hope, Salvation
Growing up in today’s world, where you might get a participation ribbon for showing up and a hero’s reputation for doing anything thoughtful, it isn’t hard to start feeling like you are someone special – a cut above the average. Being somewhat, half-decently good as a...
by Jack taylor | Jan 24, 2018 | Church, Family, Inspiration
Have you ever had that secret fear that if you stepped away from everyone you knew that no one would really miss you? No one at work, school, family or church. Who in our neighbourhood would notice if our church stopped meeting? Do people notice us because of what we...
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