by Mark B | Mar 16, 2020 | Love Unconditionally, Repentance, Salvation
I would like to begin with a story. Many years ago, I taught in Campbell River. Enrolling students from other countries was just getting started and our school had several Koreans in attendance. We did not have separate English Language Learning...
by Jack taylor | Apr 17, 2018 | Faith, Inspiration, Salvation
A TIME magazine article by Reynolds Price from November 28, 1999 states that “the single most powerful figure – not merely in these two milleniums [sic] but in all human history – has been Jesus of Nazareth … a serious argument can be made that no one else’s life has...
by Jack taylor | Feb 23, 2018 | Faith, Hope, Prayer, Salvation
The Lord’s Prayer is a great template for us as we begin to grow in our intentional communication with God. We see him as our Father, someone to be honored in his place of authority as we submit ourselves to his designs for our life and our world. We express our trust...
by Jack taylor | Feb 22, 2018 | Faith, Hope, Prayer, Salvation
One of the most frequent requests I get as a pastor is for prayer. Regardless of whether the issue is sickness, finances, relationships, housing, spiritual confusion or lack of wisdom the natural desire for many of us is to ask for prayer. But does it really change...
by Jack taylor | Feb 12, 2018 | Church, Family, Repentance, Salvation
The great British author (Oxford and Cambridge professor), C.S. Lewis once said that “you can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” C.S. Lewis started his professional career as an atheist. He ended his life as a...
by Jack taylor | Jan 25, 2018 | Faith, Hope, Salvation
Growing up in today’s world, where you might get a participation ribbon for showing up and a hero’s reputation for doing anything thoughtful, it isn’t hard to start feeling like you are someone special – a cut above the average. Being somewhat, half-decently good as a...
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