Would Anyone Notice Us If We Left?

Have you ever had that secret fear that if you stepped away from everyone you knew that no one would really miss you? No one at work, school, family or church. Who in our neighbourhood would notice if our church stopped meeting? Do people notice us because of what we...

Working It All Out

Why do you get out of bed in the morning? If you work, or have worked in the past, why spend your energy and time putting out effort to accomplish anything? Who is going to remember what you did day after day, week after week, year after year? What a way to get...

Is there room for doubt in our faith?

Have you tried to share your faith lately with an unbeliever? What was that like? Did you know how to respond to the questions you were being asked, the doubts that were being expressed, the pushback you were being given? Peter, Jesus’ lead disciple, had this to say...

Are you living the right story ?

We live in a world of stories. We love to hear stories and tell stories. Our stories fill out our sense of identity, purpose, need and hope. My son Richard was home from Rwanda a month ago and he and his sisters and I were sitting around our living room sharing...