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A Place of Belonging for All Nations

Welcome to Faith
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Faith Fellowship Baptist Church is a multicultural and multigenerational community. We are committed to preaching the Word of God with courage and conviction while offering hope to a world filled with anxiety and fear. Join us on Sunday's at 10 am or watch from the link below.

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A Place of Belonging for All Nations

Purpose & Growth in Jesus Christ
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This means our ministries and individual lives we lean toward:

Prayer & Biblical Truth
Agape Love & Togetherness
Multicultural & Multigenerational
Discipleship & Leadership Development

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A Place of Belonging for All Nations

Join us for Circle of Nations
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Celebrating 60+ Nations under one God!
Come as you are or dress in your nations traditional clothing. Invite people to experience the warmth and fellowship of our church as we gather for this wonderful day in a joyful celebration of our King! Hear the good news and join us for food, fellowship and fun!

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Kingdom Culture

Through the Book of Matthew

This New Year, we continue in our series through the book of Matthew and unpack God’s instruction on our callto live and build a Christian culture.  Join us on Sundays to praise His name. Invite someone to hear the gospel message and hear a message of hope.

Watch on YouTube LIVE Sundays at 10 am

Asian Inspired Luncheon

Our Asian-Inspired Luncheon is back!

This February 9th we gather for fellowship over food and friendship!

We need helpers and cooks! If you are inspired to share your country’s Asian cuisine please contact Pastor Mark Buhler to arrange details on how you can help. Suggested Donation $5/person

WHEN: Feb. 9th 
TIME: 11:30 AM -1: 30 PM

House of Prayer

Join us every Tuesday at 7 PM for a powerful time of prayer, where we gather to seek God’s presence and guidance. Prayer is our priority, and together we will lift up our needs, our community, and our world, trusting that God hears and answers. Come expectant, knowing that when we pray, He moves in mighty ways.

WHEN: Tuesday’s @ 7 PM

Is God Calling You To Baptism?

Celebrate the Baptism of our Faith family with us on Sunday! Have you been interested in baptism or have questions about whether this step is right? Speak with our pastors to explore what it means to be baptized and live for Christ.

Our Missionaries

Did you know Faith Church actively supports missionaries worldwide and in our beautiful city of Vancouver? Join us in prayer for Japan, Ethiopia, Brazil, Vancouver, and Columbia as they share the gospel and our Saviour.

Interested in Membership?

Our annual AGM is fast approaching, and we’re getting to hear from our membership candidates! Are you curious if membership is the right step for you? Ask one of our pastors about our membership classes and explore any questions you may have.


How do I get there?
We are located at 2551 E 49th Ave, Vancouver, BC V5S 1J6

Where should I park?
We have a church parking lot with allocated handicapped stalls, plus nearby street parking.

Our Agencies